What It Does
The Merus Ring in an Innovative Water Conditioning Device that is Easily Installed Around Water Pipes Without ANY Modifications or Changes to Existing Lines
Once Installed – the Merus Ring begins to REDUCE:
- Scale Deposits
- Rust and Corrosion
- Algae and Bacteria (Bio Film)
Irrigation & Spraying
Better Balance for PH in the Water
Increased Performance of Pesticides and Fertilizers
You can Expect:
- Herbicides – such as Glyphosate – Not to Get Tied Up with Other Minerals Therefore Reaching Weeds More Efficiently, Increasing Performance
- Fertilizer to Stay Dissolved Longer and Will Be Carried Deeper Into the Soil To The Root Systems Where the Plant Needs It.
- Scale and Chemical Buildup Is Greatly Reduced on Nozzles Helping Them Perform More Effectively, Consistently and Evenly.
Merus Ring Technology Introduction – Click to Watch
How It Works
How does the Merus Ring work?
Chemicals are not required, which makes the Merus Ring ideal for water treatment.
Made of aluminium, and is treated with a special process. Once the ring is placed around the water pipe, it emits molecular oscillations which are transferred into the water. These oscillations change the properties in the water and increase solubility of foreign substances in the water while reducing the surface tension.
For example limescale will not settle in the pipe but is flushed out with the water. Also the corrosion rate is decreased, so the inner pipe remains smooth and clean. And the water gets clear again, as the foreign substances flush out in the water.
Lake Water Color and Odor
Water Samples Taken 3 Days After Installation Shows Significant Changes to the Water Color.
The Bad Smell is almost gone from the water as well.

Limescale and Clogging
Limescale in the water can be a problem especial in your bathroom. When water evaporates, it can leave behind limescale. Limescale makes cleaning laborious and costly. It also reduces the lifetime of showerheads and other fittings.
In systems like fire sprinklers, crusts of limescale can become dangerous. If these are clogged due to deposits, the water cannot be flushed out to extinguish the fire.

Rust and corrosion is a big problem. The result is brown coloured of water. Mostly clears after a few seconds, yet this is not a refreshing sight. Severe rust damages the pipes and can cause extensive renovation work.
The Merus Ring lowers the corrosion rate in the system, which addresses the problem of the brown water at the source

Avoiding health issues due to bacteria like Legionella in the water is an important an costly take for hotels and home owners. With the Merus Ring, these problems can be solved before they occur, and the effect is sustainable.
Scale Build Up 30 Days After Cleaning BEFORE Merus Ring Installation
Scale Build Up 30 Days After Cleaning WITH Merus Ring Installation